Can't Update to 6 months
Chris Krueger
Thanks for the feedback. I will check this!
Justin Caruana
Chris Krueger Somehow it got through after I changed alot of date ranges. But its not calculating it food in the Insights. Its still calculating it as a Monthly Payment rather then a 6month payment
Chris Krueger
Justin Caruana The insights should have all the payments which are on the subscription details page.
Justin Caruana
Chris Krueger from yhe subscriptions page the Amount is not good. If I toggle through Day, Week, Month, Year ... its not showing good.
its a subscription of 100eur per 6months. There its showing 1200eur per year. So its calculating it as 100eur per month.
I attached both views
Chris Krueger
Justin Caruana What are the 8 items in the details view?
Justin Caruana
Chris Krueger Previous Subs
Chris Krueger
Justin Caruana Thank you. I will fix this as soon as possible.